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    Give Edge To Your Career In Blockchain Technology

    Learning about Blockchain and its applications is almost like investing in your future.

    Blockchain Overview

    As per the World Economic Forum by the year 2025, 18% of world’s GDP will be based on blockchain technologies. All in all, an era of blockchain technology is just around the corner. This clearly means a boom in jobs related to blockchain technologies is about to occur.

    Considering all this, we are providing exclusive blockchain training to kick start the journey of young blockchain enthusiasts and professionals. As this technology is pretty new the main purpose of our training is to ease the things up for learners. The training also equips trainees with adequate knowledge how to create blockchain strategies, platforms, transactions storage and deploy smart contracts for different business models.

    Apart from these, our training program also casts spotlight on history, structure and mechanism of various digital currencies. In nut shell, the program focus on providing in-depth exposure to blockchain technology through a rigorous especially industry aligned curriculum.

    What’s Included

    • Concept of Distributed Ledger and types of ledger
    • Blockchain,digital graphic and hash algorithm and its types
    • Security measures of Blockchain
    • Smart Contracts development
    • Integration of blockchain with businesses
    • Live interaction with blockchain experts
    • Real life use case studies

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