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    Security Token Development

    Future of your project fundraising is here. Amplify your funding with security token offerings development services.

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    STO Development Service

    STO is the best way to raise funds for your business from an accredited international investor. Apart from that, you can also offer your company’s shares to the public with the help of blockchain technology.

    Blockchain technology is changing how business is done, when it comes to financial as well as business transactions. It is a technology that outsiders cannot break very easily. Moreover, it is a technology that is assisting everybody to store and share very crucial information, through a decentralized system.

    In a decentralized blockchain, anyone can do the transaction on the ledger. Bitcoin is one such decentralized currency, that uses mining and Proof of Work to maintain the optimum performance of the ledger.

    The Howey Test backs the currency along with Federal Securities and Regulations, which you know as Security tokens. These security tokens are virtual currency, treated as a tradable and tangible asset, that you can trust, for liquidity.

    This currency is based on distributed ledger technology. Webcom Systems is the best security token and asset tokenization company, with the power to build cutting-edge security token platforms.

    Security tokens provide investors with the following financial facilities:


    Profit Sharing


    Buy-back rights

    Types of STO Development Services

    Equity Tokens

    A stock backs each equity token in the company and gives equal rights to the token holder. Equal rights comprise voting rights and right to dividends. An equity token is similar to traditional stocks, except for how the ownership is recorded and transferred. Moreover, Equity tokens offer three main benefits to a company's decision making, financial outlook, and regulatory frameworks.

    Asset Tokenization

    The traders can trade with real-world assets like gold, real estate, and artworks. These backups the tokens of the STO and provides fractionalized ownership opportunities to clients in the blockchain. Blockchain being a secure channel helps in the recording the transactions with proper encryption and immutable data. Smart chain contracts govern the Blockchains. Moreover, these are digital assets, with qualities similar to commodities.

    Debt Tokens

    If you want to raise investments and funds, then you can issue a security token, with a promise to pay back to coin holders. It is like a short-term loan, in that one takes on interest. The debt token’s price is dependent on the associated risk and the dividend.

    Types Of Asset Tokenization

    Real Estate

    Now, the token holders can practice real estate tokenization of commercial real estate. You can access the investments in real-time, both digitally and globally. Fractional ownership of real estate is now a reality and this increases the liquidity value of real estate and opens up bigger avenues of profits.


    Artist’s works and art galleries can benefit from the art tokenization mechanism, by giving a fraction of ownership to token holders. This further adds value and monetary weightage to the art pieces. Blockchain will benefit, not only the art lovers, but also the artists. Some of the popular asset tokenization platforms that are dedicated to arts are Monart and Maecenas.

    Stable Coins

    Stable coins are very popular asset tokenization forms today. They rule the digital currency market and are a viable option today Currencies like US Dollars help to peg the value of the stable coins, to various commodities like gold. Thus, values are fixed to other assets. Relative to the concurrent asset, it has a stable value.

    Venture Capital Funds

    Now, the token holders can observe the investment funds without the requirement of a broker, or financial firm. These are connected to high risks, so continuous observation helps to make the right decision, at the right time.

    Illiquid Asset

    It is an asset that cannot be readily converted into liquid assets like cash, current, fixed, or intangible assets. Without any loss of value, the asset can be tokenized and increased in trading volume as well.

    Mining Repository

    Another one of the illiquid assets, it is just the ideal tokenization for tokenization industry. Moreover, the future of the commodities are gold, silver, and other renewable resources, that are backed by the token. The tokenized gold on the blockchain has numerous benefits. Investors do not buy the tokens, but also the real asset, that are stored in vaults.

    Security Token Offering Services

    At Webcom Systems, we do not only develop, but we are the starters of Security Token Platforms. The crypto market has made a natural progression towards the asset tokenization market and this has facilitated the movement of assets and commodities into the blockchain. Thus, the coin holders are getting better liquidity than before.

    The ICO launch has helped in raising more than $700 million in 42 projects. Webcom Systems is moving towards a secure platform of token offering, that was unseen in the market.

    We provide complete services in this technology, from building the platform, to its marketing. We also give our clients security token offerings and advise them on their trading, as well.

    STO Development

    The ERC-20 technology that arises from Ethereum Blockchain, has been used to trade tokens today. However, they did not comply with asset-backed tokens and security-backed tokens, due to some problems in the system. The various problems in the system were gas price, congestion inside the blockchain network, and some protocol issues. We at Webcom Systems, customize and construct scalable blockchains and smart contracts. Moreover, the system includes more legal compliance, participation by global investors, and more transparent dealings. It also provides wallets mechanism to the holders. The ICO is a cryptocurrency version of Initial Public Offering. This is a new concept in the market that is regulating cryptos in a better manner.

    STO Exchange Platform

    Webcom Systems security exchange team has an aim to create the most secure platform for STO token, that is reliable and functions without any hindrance. We help to build the best token exchange system, that is fully compliant with the SEC Regulations, thus making the dealings completely legal.

    STO Marketing

    If you want to successfully launch an STO, then you have to do proper marketing. We have the requisite team and tools to market the STO. You have to make the system clear and transparent to investors, so that they invest. We ensure to maintain legal compliance in all the facets of STO launch to attain our goals perfectly.

    Tokenized Asset Offerings Development

    Our tokenized asset offering development or TAO, helps the financial markets enter the blockchain technology platform, with automated incorporation of KYC and AML, full voting rights, and investor verification modalities.

    Equity Token Offering Development

    The equity token offering system, allows all legal companies to tokenize their assets, and raise money in the process. It acts like a crowd funding procedure, whereby several investors pool in money for a project. The investors get equal voting rights and the rights to receive dividends, that are similar to equities.

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    Features Of Tokenization

    Fractionalization of Larger Assets

    The facilities offered by the platform allows many people to have share in one single asset, like a bungalow in real estate.

    Increase in Liquidity

    This tokenization is the best format in the blockchain technology to get the funds when in urgent need.

    Automated SEC Compliant

    It points towards total compliance to the rules and regulations as laid down by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    Secure Wallet

    The offerings come with secure wallets, that token holders can use to store, invest, and withdraw the token amounts from.

    Global Capital Investment

    Debt and equity finance is possible by private investors into any business, or asset. It can include real estate or infrastructure.

    Greater Market Efficiency

    The tokenization is a part of the most efficient Ethereum markets.

    No Intermediates

    There is no broker, and the token holder has control over all the operations and this is more transparent as well.

    Customized Blockchain

    The technology can be customized according to the industry.

    Tailored Smart Contracts

    These are an important part of blockchain and they digitally facilitate, verify, or negotiations or performance of a contract.

    Benefits Of Tokenization

    Automated Dividends

    The investors directly get the credit without an intermediary.

    Voting Rights

    The token holders have voting rights.

    Profit Share Rights

    The token holder also gets a share of the profits.

    Buyback Rights

    If dissatisfied, the token holder can return the token to the platform.

    Let’s Build Something Amazing Together

    We are a company that believes in oneness and creating something great every time. With our professionals, you can rely on acquiring the best for yourself and your business.

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